How I’m Going to Continue Beating My Cancer in 2023

May 3, 2023, marks the beginning of my 21st year as a cancer survivor. It’s been both a short and a long time.  Short in the sense that life passes so quickly and long because of the 6-month blood tests looking for possible recurrence: 38 of them so far.

Cancer Defense Tools

Medical science knows how cancer grows and the environment that helps it grow, but not the exact trigger that starts it.  My prostate cancer may have come from Agent Orange exposure during my two tours of duty in Vietnam.  But I also think that my family is genetically vulnerable.  My father and mother died of lung cancer.  My oldest sister succumbed to pancreatic cancer at the age of 62, and my youngest sister became a Stage 3 breast cancer survivor in 2018.

Causes?  My father and mother were both lifelong smokers, as was my older sister.  My younger sister, however, has been fit and a vegetarian for the past 20 years.

Here’s what I learned about cancer over the past 18+ years . . .

  • The cause is pretty much unknown
  • Factors like smoking and being overweight appear to be contributing factors
  • National cancer organization research suggests that one-third of all cancer can be prevented through lifestyle changes
  • Exercise and healthy eating habits (those vegetables that our parents tried to get us to eat) support both weight control and a healthy immune system, which is the body’s own defense against cancer
  • Stress leads to chronic inflammation, which has also been linked to cancer

We have three anti-cancer tools within our personal control . . .

  • What we eat (and how much)
  • Exercise levels
  • Our mental state

My 2023 Cancer Battle Plan

I’m a retired Army guy so I think in terms of beating the enemy.  in this case, it’s cancer.  We create battle plans in the Army by first knowing as much as we can about the enemy and then looking for weak spots in their defenses.  In cancer’s case, those weak spots are the three points above.

My 2023 Cancer Nutritional Plan

I was really good with my diet in the first 10 years of my cancer survivorship. I dropped my weight to pretty much optimal – about 150 pounds on a 5′ 10″ slender frame.  But, in the last two years, I’ve been working more and slipped into some old habits and I’m now at 160 pounds – way too much.  [Maybe I should begin posting my weekly weight as an incentive to stick with a healthy diet.]

The movement restrictions during 2020-2022 gave me the opportunity to do a lot more reading over the past year and my 2023 goal is to switch my eating program to include more vegetables and beating my pesky sugar cravings.  I’ll be posting my results and recipes here on the website.

My 2023 Cancer Exercise Plan


If you have visited this site before, you know I love bicycling and walking. I got back on my bike after my treatment in 2003 and since then I have ridden 36,295.31 miles – an average of just over 2,000 miles a year.

Many cyclists ride more than that, but those miles have kept me fit and played a key role in calming my mental state.

Riding takes my mind away from cancer and work-related stress and lets me enjoy the scenery and the world around me.  My 2023 goal is 2,500 miles and 330 active* days.


Exercise element number two is yoga.  My wife and I are back at in-person yoga now that COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.  My yoga program is one 50-minute class every Saturday morning followed by breakfast with my wife.  It’s a great routine.

Weight Training

Finally, my weight training routine.  I try and get to the gym twice a week and that is working well.  But I also jump rope every day and do a light workout at home using dumbells and kettlebells when I can’t get to the gym.

My 2023 Cancer Mental Plan

Our mental state is just as important as exercise and good nutrition.  The COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted but for many, the stress is still there.  At least it is for me.  I try and work in at least a few minutes of meditation every day.  I use the iPhone Muse app and headband but there are less expensive options, such as Calm, available.  Check those options at the following link: free meditation apps.

What’s Your 2023 Cancer Battle Plan?

If you’re a cancer survivor like me, cancer recurrence is almost always in the back of your mind.  There’s certainly no guarantee that any of the elements of my cancer battle plan will prevent cancer recurrence, but it gives me a sense of control, along with knowing that I’m putting my body in the best possible shape to resist cancer if it shows up again.

I would love to hear about your cancer battle plan and we’ll post it here on the website if you choose to share.

Follow Along With Me In 2023

Zwift Virtual Cycling

If you’re a “Zwifter,” connect with me @ Robert Hess.

I track my rides and walks on and it’s great to be riding outside again.  If you are riding outside where you live, connect with the Cancer Journeys Foundation Around the World Challenge group. Log enough miles and you will be wearing one of our unique Around the World cycling jerseys from Primal.

Best wishes for 2023. I hope you’ll take a few minutes to plan your own 2023 cancer battle plan and then share the results to help others.

Warm regards,


Robert Hess
Prostate Cancer Survivor, Class of 2003

2017 Alpine Loop Gran Fondo

That’s me on the left with one of our Alpine Loop Gran Fondo King of the Mountain jersey winners.

The Cycling Piece

The blocks below shows the Cancer Journeys Foundation Strava group’s weekly mileage and elevation. Join us and add your miles!

The Meditation Piece