Take Care of Your Body

I love it when the Olympics arrive. The winter and summer games. I love them both. And, I confess, I also get a kick out of the creativity of the commercials that play.

But this year I was struck by message of 23andMe’s “One Body Commercial.” The theme is that if you were given only one car for your entire life you would give it meticulous care. The message is that we should give our bodies that same care.

Click on the image in the right column to watch the video. It’s a powerful message.

Disclaimer: We have no affiliation with 23andme, but when I took my test six years ago it showed that I had a higher than normal risk for prostate cancer. Indeed, I am a 15-year prostate cancer survivor.

One of our goals here at the Cancer Journeys Foundation is to help and encourage cancer survivors to adopt an active lifestyle and adopt healthy eating habits. As cancer survivors, exercise and diet are the only two risk factors within our direct control.

So, open that front door and take a walk. Or, throw your leg over that bicycle in the garage and go for a spin. Guaranteed you’ll feel better. Do it every day!

We hope to see you at one of our events.

Our motto here is “Never Give Up!” We hope it will work for you, as well.